Patient Pet Advocates is a pet-focused community service that strives to help people struggling with profound, life-altering or terminal medical issues.
Our services are tailored to the goal of supporting pets in their home environment, helping patients to plan for pet care in emergencies, and providing support in crisis situations.
We also work to raise community awareness and provide tools and education for the prevention of illness-related animal neglect or abandonment.
Patient Pet Advocates is a 501c(3) organization serving Eugene/Springfield Oregon and its surrounding areas.
How Can We Serve You?
We need you!
Our organization operates almost entirely with volunteer staff. If you want to help, but aren’t sure how, please reach out.
We welcome the opportunity to provide on-site inservices, education materials, outreach assistance, program development help, and telephone advice to caregivers, administration and other concerned staff.
This website was made possible by a generous grant from the Hearts for Hospice Foundation